Quality Control
During our quality control, your product will be checked for all necessary certificates from the moment you purchase the goods. Our internal QA and employees check your product upon receipt and include it in the system. Our organic goods are stored in a separate parking space, and your high-quality oils are also kept in a cool place. Every step that your product goes through is documented by our employees and software. From the withdrawal in the warehouse, it goes on to the weighing, mixing and provision at the machine that has been set up. As early as the development of your formulation, we ensure the most sensible combination of nutrients and their dosage for you. Our machines have 100% weighing and documentation for each individual capsule and sort out defective capsules or tablets. We also use highly sensitive metal scanners for our tablet machines. Through an ACTUAL control, every production is monitored, both digitally and by our employees, during production. Random checks are also carried out by our quality assurance department according to our AQL procedure.
In order to get our tablets dust-free and to give them a nice shine, all tablets go through our high-performance polisher.
BioPharmatec has high performance ventilation and air conditioning to ensure the best conditions for your product. After production, the GreenCaps are dried in our stainless steel trays in the drying room.
From there your product goes to the packaging process and gets the packaging you want.
Dietary supplements are subject to the same strict food safety requirements as other foods. BioPharmatec pursues a well thought-out HACCP concept. Such a concept ensures that safety-relevant process steps of each production are carried out properly.
We are a young company with the constant claim to further develop ourselves. Quality is the greatest good. We offer meticulous attention to detail in our contract manufacturing – at every level. That is why we are also aiming for ISO9001 certification by Q1/2023 and ISO22000 by Q2/2023. Service, quality and price are three factors that will fully satisfy you as a BioPharmatec customer.